The Do-It Yourselfer

This is for those who want to print, label and deliver their own direct mail pieces.  Includes the pre-mover and/or pending mailing lists sent directly to your email address that is provided. You print, label and deliver your own mailing pieces. This is the most cost efficient package DMLists offers.

Middle Man

Do you have your own direct mail pieces but don't want to spend your precious time sending out your direct mail campaign? Are you tired of storing and labeling them yourself? We can help!
Includes: Storage of your mail pieces, mailing list, labeling, and delivery to post office.

Like a Pro

This is our most popular package. DMLists handles your direct mail campaign from start to finish. We’ll print, address, and deliver your campaign to your targeted mailing list. Best of all, we’ll ensure that you receive the best possible postal rate saving you time and money!